Green Crystal
As we believe that our planet is in need of the flex function to serve the peaceful interconnectivity between us and to our planet earth represented by an impartial, city-based recognized facilitation body – peace hubs made of experienced practitioners recognized by the cities and funded by them, we the undersigned Plenipotentiaries of the cities have agreed as follows:
- Article 1. The City Hall will appoint three Committee members whose duty will be to assist the city´s Green Crystal Peace Hub by every means in their power and according to the needs of the local neutral Green Crystal Peace Hub.
- Article 2. The City Hall will also appoint a daily head-facilitator of their Green Crystal Peace Hub, where the appointed Committee members will suggest three different people for this position to choose from.
- Article 3. The Committee members will in co-creation with the head-facilitator, organize themselves in the manner, which seems to be the most useful way and appropriate to serve their local city´s Green Crystal Peace Hub.
- Article 4. Voluntary facilitation personnel attached to a city´s Green Crystal Peace Hub will be coordinated by the respective head-facilitator with everything necessary for their upkeep.
- Article 5. All Green Crystal Peace Hub facilitators will wear in all cities, as a uniform distinctive sign, a white armlet with a green crystal, as a token of impartiality and neutrality to serve the citizen.
- Article 6. The Green Crystal city head-facilitator will in co-creation with the city Committee members take responsibility for the connection to other cities’ Green Crystal Peace Hubs and hereby create an interconnected global network working in a “glocal” way.
- Article 7. The different Green Crystal City Hubs may meet physically in local and/or global assemblies to communicate the results of their experience and to agree on measures to be taken in the interests of the work.
- Article 8. In time of crisis in a city, the local Green Crystal Peace Hub may call for assistance from other cities Green Crystal Peace Hubs. This assistance can be given voluntary as a gift or by exchange of services or money. In which way this support will be given to another city is decided by the head-facilitator in co-creation with the local city committee members.
- Article 9. If the request for facilitation assistance is given by another city´s Green Crystal Peace Hub, the facilitators will be placed under the leadership of the city asking for support
- Article 10. The City Mayors holding a Green Crystal Peace Hub, will by ballot have the possibility to be serving a period of up to two year over a period of eight years as a member of a Glocal Green Crystal Peace Committee. The Glocal Green Crystal Peace Committee will be situated in neutral Switzerland consisting of twelve members, that is chosen first through a country based ballot and hereafter a global ballot.
- Article 11. The Glocal Green Crystal Peace Committee function is to give a yearly report on the state of peace in their cities and to facilitate a glocal internet structure for communication between the different Green Crystal Peace Hubs. Their work will be supported by the Glocal Connector for Green Crystal Peace Hubs.
- Article 12. Each year in January, the Glocal Green Crystal Committee will host a meeting in Switzerland between the mayors, committee members and the head-facilitators from the Worlds City Green Crystal Peace Hub, to learn, to harvest experience, and if needed adjust the local modus operandi. The Glocal Green Crystal Committee will publish their yearly peace report on this event. All findings will be shared as an open-source on the internet.
We support the following Recommendations to be supported by all the worlds cities: (a) that cities extend their patronage and funding to Green Crystal Peace Hubs which may be formed, and facilitate as far as possible the accomplishment of their task. (b) that cities protect the neutrality and the safety of the facilitators working for a Green Crystal Peace Hubs; (c) that a uniform distinctive sign be recognized for the Facilitator Corps of all cities, and, that a uniform flag also be adopted in all cities for transportation of facilitators between cities.
We, the undersigned, hereby endorse the convention and the creation of Green Crystal: